Comments by a Chemist

Testing Your Product

Although testing is not currently mandated in Australia, cosmetic brands are expected to provide safe products for consumers. Therefore, you should always plan on testing your products before you launch them. The two types of testing for cosmetic products are Stability Testing and Preservative Efficacy Testing (PET).  Stability Testing versus PET (Preservative Efficacy Testing) Cosmetics naturally degrade over time. These tests will reveal the extent to which your product degrades under different conditions and exposures.  Stability testing Stability tests assess whether your product will hold up during its intended life span. Stability testing involves accelerated tests, in which your product

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Scientist formulating beauty care product using the lab tools

Your Product – 2 Essential Truths

Lets talk about your product! Let’s begin with two essential truths. First, there are many excellent beauty and wellness brands already on the market, with more being launched every day. Many of these brands come with incredible packaging, compelling founder stories or trendy ingredients, while others boast celebrity backing or hard-to-get clinical data. This means you need to be noticed in this very crowded space. You not only need to be noticed you need to be remembered. Whatever your message is, one this is for sure, your point of difference needs to be very clear, specific, understandable & relatable. If

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Creating Your Product: Where To Start

If you want to bring a new beauty or home care product to the market it can be overwhelming to know where to start. You probably have an idea and maybe you’ve done a bit of research, but now you’re wondering where to go next. How do you go from idea to market-ready product? That’s where we come in!

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The Benefits of Consulting A Professional Chemist

Are you looking to create a cosmetics formula, but you’re unsure where to start and need some extra guidance? Or maybe you have a formula and need an expert opinion on it? When you are investing a lot of time and resources into creating a beauty or home care product, it pays to receive expert advice so that you can minimise your business mistakes and launch a successful product. 

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